Vicenza english news
Giovedi 19 Settembre 2013 alle 14:20 | 0 commenti

1) Hunting hides, Arcicaccia: common sense prevails among the regional council
Giuliano Ezzelini Storti – regional president of Arcicaccia – cominucates the happy ending of the hunting hides problem: «The regional council, extending the 2007 act about fauna and hunt, has approved Stival’s proposal about the hunting hides.Now we have to read the text and inform our members». For this reason, Arcicaccia would like to thank the regional councilor for hunt, mister Stival, who has solved the problem raised after a Corte Costituzionale’s sentence. Also PD’s regional section has made its part not blocking the law process.
2) Berlusconi’s videomessage, Moretti: he is looking backwards, the country needs something different
The PD national deputy and former Vicenza’s vice-mayor, Alessandra Moretti, has commented Berlusconi’s videomessage released after the yesterday evening news about his ineligibility: «Berlusconi is still looking backeards, the country needs something different. A real leader should indicate a vision to the country, should look forwards». According to Moretti’s opinion, the videomessage contains all the main features which characterized these last twenty years, with a strong attack against Italian judiciary power: «It’s not by chance that the final proposal is a return to Forza Italia. But Italy needs a step forwards against a political class who doesn’t match up with the Italian people; this is Berlusconi’s responsibility over these last twenty years».
3) Veneto allocates 51M euros for the local authorities
According to a national law about public administration’s debts, the regional council has decided to approve Roberto Ciambetti’s proposal and allocate 51M euros – coming from the reserve found - in order to restore the balance between the local authorities and the beneficiary enterprises. Ciambetti: «We follow some measures which have been already taken by the regional council. The aim is to pay the debts and stimulate the economic growth. This is a very shot in the arm for both local authorities and beneficiary enterprises which suffer of stability pact’s obligations». The allocation is divided in: 12M for territory promotion and information, 8,6M for provincial professional education an formation, 7,5M for the regional found for disability work program, 3,5M for local transports, 2M for the regional found for minors protection.Â
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