English news

Quotidiano | Categorie: Politica, Fatti, English news

Steve Maman, the Moroccan Jew who saves the Yazidis and Christians people

ArticleImage The lives saved (and rescue) of 140 people from Isis territory , the distribution to 25000 people in Kurdistan, the 2311 Yazidis we took out of Lesvos Greece to Germany and the camp of Petra Greece, where we catered to 1400 Yazidi. Steve Maman (here the interview italian language version) in a simply way says "We", but for intellectual honesty I must say that at least 80% of the work has done by himself...and the world does not see, not even the Vatican. If Steve had been a Catholic, would the world see it?

A new human disaster struck again. But few people seem to realize it, nor even the Pope! The forced exodus of many Christians and Yazidi from the Middle East and North Africa ,that follows the exodus of Jewish people during the last wars, does not knows respite. January 27, many people low on memory, rediscover by magic, the tragedy suffered by the Jews during the second war.

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Quotidiano | Categorie: English news

Two news letters after summer peregrinations of. Mr. Bob

ArticleImage Dear Students, I'm finally back after my summer peregrinations. I apologise for not writing earlier – due to a dose of hot weather lethargy, unfriendly ccomputers, or lack of them at all. As it is, I am listening to the cricket commentary on my PC, overlooking Carmini Church in Vicenza, the only building of note built during the Austrian period in the 19th century.

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Categorie: English news

Da Wikileaks Cable: 09MILAN214_a

Cable: 09MILAN214_a
1. (C) Summary: In meetings with local Vicenza politicians across the political spectrum, the general consensus was that the ugliest period of contentious and politically charged opposition to the U.S. army's Dal Molin base construction has passed. Their assessment is that most community residents are either favorable or indifferent to the project.

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Quotidiano | Categorie: English news

I have been on the road from our placid Vicenza for the past three weeks...

ArticleImage Dear Students, I have been on the road from our placid Vicenza for the past three weeks. I can reccomend the deelights of blablacar, the Internets site where you can seek and offer lifts online.
It was a hot morning, and I had a bit of a hangover when I met Simon at Mestre station, and four of us set off towards Belgrade. In Triest we picked up a couple of teenagers from Bari, and dropped off a couple. The teenagers were en route to Zagreb for some strange card tournament, with little plastic cards. I couldn't honestly understand the mechanisms of it. Nice kids, with their sunny accents, enjoying the first part of their long summer holiday.

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Quotidiano | Rassegna stampa | Categorie: English news

Ebola: la verità a Incontri senza censura,con la partecipazione di Medici senza Frontiere

ArticleImage Libreria la Bassanese - Prosegue il viaggio culturale di Incontri senza censura a Bassano del Grappa, la manifestazione organizzata dalla libreria La Bassanese e l’omonima associazione culturale, con il patrocinio dell’Ordine dei Giornalisti Veneto. Mercoledì 29 aprile, in anteprima assoluta in Veneto, racconteremo la verità sui nuovi virus e il caso Ebola in particolare. Ospite della rassegna bassanese il giornalista e reporter Sergio Ramazzotti, l’unico reporter italiano ad aver raggiunto l`epicentro dell`epidemia Ebola in Liberia, autore del libro edito da Piemme, Ground Zero Ebola.

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Categorie: English news

A good life for everyone, first results of the Degrowth-Conference 2014

ArticleImage Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014 - On 6 September 2014 the Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity ended. 3000 participants from 74 countries came to the city of Leipzig, Germany to discuss, reflect artistically and try out practically what a good life for humans and nature could look like beyond the paradigm of economic growth.

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Categorie: Politica, English news

Degrowth-Conference 2014: 3000 people discuss alternatives to economic growth

ArticleImage With around 3000 registered participants, preparations for the Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity are running at full speed. From 2 to 6 September the whole city of Leipzig will be under the banner of growth critique: Not only at

Leipzig University, the main conference venue, but all over the city there will be scientific, practical and artistic sessions and events.

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Quotidiano | Categorie: English news

Obiettivo Risarcimento, positivo il test interno con Padova


Primo test match al Palacampagnola per l'Obiettivo Risarcimento che sfida il volley LeAli Padova, formazione di serie B1. Partenza al rallentatore per le padrone di casa che faticano a mettere palla a terra a fronte di una buona organizzazione difensiva delle padovane. Il primo break per Vicenza arriva con Isabella Milocco in battuta che mette in difficoltà la ricezione avversaria, coadiuvata da un paio di muri vincenti della prima linea biancoblù.

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Quotidiano | Categorie: English news

Vicenza english news


1) Hunting hides, Arcicaccia: common sense prevails among the regional council

Giuliano Ezzelini Storti – regional president of Arcicaccia – cominucates the happy ending of the hunting hides problem: «The regional council, extending the 2007 act about fauna and hunt, has approved Stival’s proposal about the hunting hides.

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Quotidiano | Categorie: English news

Vicenza english news

ArticleImage 1) Rethink 911, also in Vicenza they ask to question the official version of September 11th

The Rethink 911 group, during the 12th anniversary of the attack against the Twin Towers in New York, announced a silent commemoration moment from 5.30 pm to 7 pm. The group members were in front of the Us military village in Vicenza to support Us citizens and make them know about the Rethink 911 movement backing an international campaign in favor of a new independent inquiry to clear all the doubts about the attack.

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Mercoledi 19 Dicembre 2018 alle 07:01 da kairos
In Mostra al Chiericati, Caterina Soprana (Commissione Cultura) risponde ai giovani del Pd: "realizzata a costo zero per il Comune"

Domenica 2 Dicembre 2018 alle 17:35 da Kaiser
In Mostre e eventi: due diverse concezioni non confrontabili ovunque e anche a Vicenza
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