Vicenza english news
Giovedi 12 Settembre 2013 alle 11:35 | 0 commenti

1) Rethink 911, also in Vicenza they ask to question the official version of September 11th
The Rethink 911 group, during the 12th anniversary of the attack against the Twin Towers in New York, announced a silent commemoration moment from 5.30 pm to 7 pm. The group members were in front of the Us military village in Vicenza to support Us citizens and make them know about the Rethink 911 movement backing an international campaign in favor of a new independent inquiry to clear all the doubts about the attack.
At the base of the theory dealing with a premeditate and organized demolition carried out with the use of explosive, a lot of people all over the world question the official version. Well-known architects and engineers support this theory which needs deeper surveys. The group of Vicenza asks to support the campaign by subscribing it on their website.
2) Vicenzaoro Fall is finished: confident signals are coming from the goldsmith and jewelry sectors
With a total of 1200 Italian and international brands present, the 2013 edition of Vicenzaoro Fall is finished. The event confirmed the expectations: Italian buyers and retailers were ready to invest in some new businesses, crossing the international buyers’ interests coming from 111 different countries. Istat statistics explain the sector recovery: +2,6% in exportation quantity, +12% and +32% in exportation value, respectively towards Usa and Uam. Optimism is now flowing between the sector’s experts. But, Vicenzaoro Fall was also the occasion for Paolo Mantovani – president of Società Fieristica – to meet the goldsmith entrepreneurs and the goldsmith industry authorities like Licia Mattioli – president of Federorafi – and Franco Pezzobon – national president of Confartigianato’s goldsmiths; all together they share the problems and the expectations of an entire economic sector during the convention La Nostra Fiera.
3) Closing events at the Antica Fiera del Soco
Antica Fiera del Soco closes on September 12th with the traditional midnight firework show. Although the bad weather forecasts, the fair has signed a good participation during Friday and Monday nights. The So…country area’s events have been very appreciated thanks to the country shows, the equestrian shows and the educational farm for children. Among the VIPs, the chefs Marco and Antonio Chemello from “Da Palmerino†restaurant have proposed the traditional recipe of Bacalà alla Vicentina. ÂAccedi per inserire un commento
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