Categorie: English news

Pay attention to false paper money: 50 euros confiscated from a young guy

Di Nicola Grolla Martedi 13 Agosto 2013 alle 17:53 | 0 commenti


English news - At 5.15 am of August 10th, in Vicenza, along Via del Commercio, a police patrol intervened to confiscate a 50 euros banknote used at the local kiosk run by Bedin Massimo, selling food and beverage all night long. The owner received a false banknote from a customer in order to pay his bill. At that moment, both the customer and the owner realized that the banknote was useless: important identification details were missing. The police patrol questioned the customer who wasn’t able to answer about the banknote’s origin. The false 50 euros have been sent to Rome for further investigations.

Leggi tutti gli articoli su: Money, young, young guy, false paper money


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