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English news today

Di Nicola Grolla Venerdi 30 Agosto 2013 alle 23:47 | 0 commenti


1) Contemporary architecture comes back to Basilica with meetings, workshops and exhibits
After the last 2006 exhibit on the Japanese architect Kazuyo Sejima and the later stop because of the renovation works, Basilica Palladiana is now ready to host a new series of events about architecture, dealing with re-generation.

This morning at Palazzo Trissino, Jacopo Bulgarini d'Elci - town councilor for development - and Filippo Zanetti - town councilor for innovation and simplification - presented "Ri-generazione" the new cultural proposal taking place in Basilica from September 6th to October 9th. The purpose is double: candidate Vicenza as a town consecrate to architecture and put in contact Vicenza's people with this kind of artistic way of expression; everything will be done trying to follow the more innovative and dynamic contemporary productions. D'Elci commented the news: «With this initiative, Vicenza will become the privileged place for artists, architects, experts and students; they will find a place where they can dialogue about architecture, his meaning and sense». Zanetti added that: «The program is full of events, such as workshop for young students and architects who can meet international architects and debate with them about a regeneration project on some city's areas». The main stage will be Basilica Palladiana and its "loggiato" with exhibits about Pier Giacomo Castiglioni, Architetti Senza Frontiere's productions and some projects produced under prof. Marc Collomb's focus.

2) Street works at the round-point at Viale Milano, traffic diverted for three days
The town administration communicates that because of important street works, expected for the next week, some diversions will occur between Viale Milano and Corso SS. Felice e Fortunato, where there is a usually congested round-point. These works will also need a round-point reshaping. Antonio Dalla Pozza has explained that: «These works are not the one envisaged to create another lane along Viale Milano. But they are also important in order to increase the street security and help the public transportation's passage. I invite the citizens to choose different ways to reach the city center».

3) From September 1st, new tariffs for single and multiple rides tickets will be adopted
From September 1st, Aim's tickets tariffs change. The uprising costs are due to a new regional disposition for all the local transportation societies. The single time urban ticket will cost 1,30 euros and the multiple time urban ticket will cost 5,30 euros (for 5 urban rides) or 10, 45 euros (for 7 extra-urban rides). By the ways, Aim is promoting two new multiple simple rides tickets: a 5 euros ticket (for 5 simple urban rides) and a 10 euros ticket (for 7 simple extra-urban rides). Aim also reminds that more other promotions will be available consulting their web site, www.aim-mobilita.it


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