Categorie: Politica, English news

Cicero: about Basilica's terrace, Variati's incapacity is shown

Di Nicola Grolla Martedi 13 Agosto 2013 alle 16:42 | 0 commenti


English news - Claudio Cicero – leader of Lista impegno 360° - has commented the closing of Basilica’s terrace, as it reveals the inconsistence of town policies about the economic development dues to tourism promotion. Cicero has also proposed several solutions, such as a low price ticket to enter the terrace (1 or 2 euros) and the involvement of a local voluntary association. «The ticket makes the visitors responsible for the building and the voluntary association involves the entire city in the managing and fruition of his own symbolic landmark» Cicero has added.

Leggi tutti gli articoli su: Basilica Palladiana, Claudio Cicero


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