Archivio per tag: summer

Categorie: English news

Two news letters after summer peregrinations of. Mr. Bob

Domenica 27 Settembre 2015 alle 14:26
ArticleImage Dear Students, I'm finally back after my summer peregrinations. I apologise for not writing earlier – due to a dose of hot weather lethargy, unfriendly ccomputers, or lack of them at all. As it is, I am listening to the cricket commentary on my PC, overlooking Carmini Church in Vicenza, the only building of note built during the Austrian period in the 19th century.

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Mercoledi 19 Dicembre 2018 alle 07:01 da kairos
In Mostra al Chiericati, Caterina Soprana (Commissione Cultura) risponde ai giovani del Pd: "realizzata a costo zero per il Comune"

Domenica 2 Dicembre 2018 alle 17:35 da Kaiser
In Mostre e eventi: due diverse concezioni non confrontabili ovunque e anche a Vicenza
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